Think of it. It's a perfect illustration. A bird in a cage is totally dependent on the owner of the cage for food, water, cleaning of the cage, etc. There is nothing it is allowed to see except what is set before it.
Reopened Mind
JoinedPosts by Reopened Mind
Stupid Illustration
by EmptyInside ina witness related an illustration they heard at an assembly.
and sadly,they thought it was so profound.
it was brought out how some young people feel the restrictions of the "truth" cage them in.
Assembly Day Points by a Member of the Governing Body
by Reopened Mind ina jw friend of mine sent me this email today:.
assembly day points...... .
brother morris, (member of the governing body).
Reopened Mind
I agree with Flipper. I fear for my family who are still Witnesses. This kind of stuff sends shivers through my spine.
tryingtoexit: I went back and read your post from Nov '09. It was almost word for word what I just posted. Some really good comments there. I do agree with the WT on one thing though and that is that we need reminders of how incredulous their rantings are.
thetrueone: Critical thinking on whats going behind that curtain is where you'll find
the real Truth.
I am still working on replacing my WT thinking with critical thinking skills. This may take a while.
Assembly Day Points by a Member of the Governing Body
by Reopened Mind ina jw friend of mine sent me this email today:.
assembly day points...... .
brother morris, (member of the governing body).
Reopened Mind
A JW friend of mine sent me this email today:
Assembly Day Points…..
Brother Morris, (member of the Governing Body). Wasn’t raised in the truth. In fact discussed his experiences in Vietnam. Raised three sons. In other words, he understands real life. But, very pointed counsel.
Word for word, “Brothers and sisters if you are not doing family worship night, you will not be ready for survival at Armageddon. The Governing Body has worked hard to convey the seriousness of this arrangement. It cannot be underestimated. Now you have a choice whether or not you will listen to the counsel….but remember, you’ve been warned.”
In another part of the talk he asked, “Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all. You could die this afternoon. As you sit there are you certain that your course of life would guarantee that you are in Jehovah’s memory and you would receive a resurrection?” Then he talked a lot about materialism. He said it’s not wrong to have a house…but are you caught up in the American dream that you have to have a house? Then he went on and talked about the bursting of the housing bubble and the banks and govn’t giving houses to people who shouldn’t have had them….no verification of income….not adequate income, etc….and he said many brothers and sisters got caught up in that (Two years before the bottom fell out….we had a Circuit Assembly about keeping our lives simple….those that followed Jehovah's counsel have survived so much heartache.)
So what about today’s counsel…..the “Time Left is Reduced”…is our theme…will you follow the counsel today? The way you live your life in these hard economic times, does it show you are trusting in Jehovah for your necessities? Or does it show you are trusting in yourself and your material things - taking matters into your own hands.
He then gave an experience of a sister he met when they were still doing circuit work. A middle age sister…very faithful. She invited them for lunch to her small and simple apartment. Now he said he knew the sister had a nervous problem….somewhat of a mental condition….like an anxiety disorder…but he never knew why and didn’t ask. Through the course of conversation, she relates that she used to have a house. And she was bent on having the perfect house. Perfect decorating…perfect furniture…everything just so. She came home one night and her entire house was engulfed in flames. She lost everything. As a result, she had a nervous breakdown and has never fully recovered. She said after that it taught her a lesson and she vowed NEVER to be that attached to material things because she realized how fleeting these things are. How attached to material things are you? How would you feel right now if you lost everything?
Then he discussed the importance of daily Bible reading. He said that he and Sister Morris, no matter where they are in the world, every morning have their cup of coffee and read their Bible. Not together. He said Bible reading is a personal thing. He then asked the audience how many have a cup of coffee every morning? Almost the whole audience raised their hand. Then he said, bros. and sis. If you can have a cup of coffee every morning, then you can read your Bible every morning.
Also in talking about materialism, he talked about debt and credit cards. He pulled out his credit card. He said now we have to have a credit card today. Even I have one. You can’t even rent a car without one. But you know what credit cards are? Plastic ANESTHESIA. Why is that? Well, let’s say you need some clothes. So you go to the store to buy them knowing how much you want to spend. But you get there and the retailers, because it’s their job, have signs all over…”Two for One” “50% off”…suddenly you think, well….I don’t need two…but if they’re 50% off..then I should probably get two for when I need them later…oh wait…I’ll get one for my husband…and the kids of course…walk up to the cash register…..the cashier swipes the card…and guess what…pain free. The card swipes…you feel nothing…and you leave….until the bill comes. Now imagine when you go to the store you counting out the actual cash you are spending….little more painful isn’t it?…Suddenly the reality of how much you’re spending is real…and you’re feeling it. Be careful of credit cards. If you don’t have the cash to back up the credit card swipe, don’t spend it.
He talked about being in the truth for a long time….we’re always getting counsel. We always need to be making adjustments. He said often times I hear.. "Well Br. Morris…this is just the way I am!!!!”Jehovah may not like the way you are. (the audience started laughing) He said this is not a union. Seniority doesn’t mean salvation.
He repeatedly said with all his counsel….this is not the Governing Body saying this - this is Jehovah speaking to you. He also kept saying after each point of counsel, “Remember…it’s YOUR choice whether or not you will listen….but just know….You’ve been warned.”
He also emphasized remembering that the day of Armageddon has been set. Nothing about our life is going to change that day. If we preach more…it’s not going to change that day. That day has been set. So, when we’re going through hardships, be careful that you don’t say, “if only Armageddon would come I wouldn’t be going through this.”Remember, it’s not about you.It’s about Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty.
don’t say, “I hope that Jehovah holds out a little longer so that Uncle John will make it through.” Jehovah said when the anointed are sealed, the angels will release the four winds. Nothing about when Armageddon comes depends on us or our lives. We just need to obey and keep preaching.
He gave the example of the huge project that’s being done in Wallkill. He said that they just showed the Bethel family a 15 minute video about the renovation and new building project that will be done over the next 4 years. He said after the video was shown he overheard a dear old sister who’s been there forever say, “well, I guess that means Armageddon won’t be coming in the next four years.” He said, now I didn’t say anything to her and embarrass her in front of everyone, but I thought to myself, “oh my goodness we approved the showing of that video and I don’t remember that being part of the dialogue.”
So, that night he went back and re-watched it. He said, "Brothers and Sisters - we are going to be in the midst of Kingdom activity when the end comes. We will be building, we will be preaching, we will be planning conventions, building Kingdom Halls……there’s not going to be a pause when the end comes. We need to keep going….keep carrying out Jehovah’s will. And I’m pretty sure when the end comes no one is going to say, “Oh no…..we didn’t get to attend that convention. I was so looking forward to it.” Keep putting Kingdom interests first.
Then at the end he talked about how ready are we for the end.
Are we really ready?
Is our faith really strong?
We need to make adjustments now. He said, I was in Vietnam. I have seen mass death....human casualties. I have smelled burning human flesh after a helicopter crash. I saw only a glimpse of what it will probably be like at Armageddon. We must be prepared.
Stay in God's LOVEWOW! What a load of fear and guilt! If we are not doing Family Worship Night we might not be ready to survive Armageddon. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t getting together and studying the Bible why many were forced to leave Bethel in the 80’s? Oh, they were studying the Bible, not WT publications.
“Jehovah may not like the way you are.” Who is he to say what Jehovah does ordoesn’t like?
“Remember…it’s YOUR choice whether or not you will listen….but just know….You’ve been warned.”
Not much choice---we either do as they say or we die.
“Remember, it’s not about you.It’s about Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty.”
It’s never been about us. It’s never been about Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty either. It is about the sovereignty of the Watchtower.
“ We need to make adjustments now. He said, I was in Vietnam. I have seen mass death....human casualties. I have smelled burning human flesh after a helicopter crash. I saw only a glimpse of what it will probably be like at Armageddon. We must be prepared.”
“Stay in God's LOVE”Morris thinks it is LOVE to destroy most of the human race? What kind of God (or father) kills his children then calls it LOVE? When my husband read this email he said this sounds like someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. My husband knows, He suffers with PTSD himself.
I am so happy that my mind has been reopened.
Observation -- Posters Don't Seem Clueless
by Band on the Run ini'm impressed with sophisticated thinking on this site.
after all it is an ex-witness site.
i wonder what changed in the former witnesses.
Reopened Mind
Band on the Run you certainly don't offend me by asking how I became a JW in the first place. I studied in the 60's and 70's way before the internet. As a teenager I was beguiled by their reasoning on how I could live forever on a paradise earth. Their "proofs", especially from Matthew, Mark, and Luke concerning the last days seemed reasonable to me at the time. Also when I was new I was excited to have instant friends and family. I married a born-in whose father and brother were elders. He, too, became an elder. Then with 2 children and a full theocratic schedule I had little time for outside research. About 4 years ago I read an article in a local newspaper that directed to That's what started me on my journey of researching the Watchtower on the internet, starting with this forum,,,, and every other site I could find a link to. Steve Hassan's book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" helped me to realize I had been recruited by a very sophistcated cult.
I'm having a baby!
by AwSnap inim just about at 14 weeks.
i thought i had the answers to all, until i got that "positive" on the pregnancy test.
Reopened Mind
A baby will change your life forever. For the better of course. Enjoy every minute. He/she will grow up very fast.
Listen to your own instincts.
Please read and sign ... Grace had a scarey fall ...
by wannabefree inbig hug for you!
i am glad you are okay.
you are a strong woman.. so sorry grace.
Reopened Mind
You are one of the posters who has helped me reopen my mind. Please take care of yourself.
You are truly a strong lady--physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Reopened Mind
My belated story
by sabastious ini haven't really spelled out my story in a single post yet and i think it would prudent.
so here it is and i apologize in advance for it being so long.. .
all of you had to make the truth your own at some point in your life.
Reopened Mind
Having your wife and your 8 month's old smile----priceless!
Thanks for sharing your story. I applaud your strength and your courage.
Reopened Mind
Quotes by Voltaire - Do you agree and Why?
by Lady Lee inok i want to stimulate some thinking.
i'm going to list a bunch of quotes attributed to voltaire - someone i had never thought to read.
but coming across a couple of quotes of his i thought they were rather profound.. so here is the deal.
Reopened Mind
"It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong."
This has been so true down through history where disagreeing with the established authorities often resulted
in losing one's life. In WT land we "only" lose our families and all our conditional friends. No wonder many of
us here are going through the process of slowly fading.
"The safest course is to do nothing against one's conscience. With this secret, we can enjoy life and have no fear from death."
JW's are not allowed to have their own conscience. It is systematically replaced with a "Bible-trained (WT trained) conscience."
Since my husband and I have been fading we continually have discussions about what we are comfortable doing. This has been a
learning process for us. One of the things we now do is we honor each by celebrating holidays. We find this focuses our attention on
each other and brings us closer together. With this secret we no longer fear Armageddon.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-21-10 WT Study (LEADER CHRIST)
by blondie inreview comments will be headed by comments.
of the congregation on earth.
holy spirit...not through the gb?.
Reopened Mind
Blondie, my husband & I have been enjoying your comments for quite a while now. We eagerly look for them every weekend.
We hadn't read your post before the meeting yesterday, but made similar comments ourselves (quietly to each other of course) on
paragraphs 1 & 8. We couldn't help but notice the subtle shift from "faithful and discreet slave" to "Governing Body" to "Jesus Christ".
As always we appreciate the extra research you give to back up what you say.
Reopened Mind
by Reopened Mind inthats the question i keep asking myself once i began learning the truth about the truth.
one definition according to merriam-websters collegiate dictionary is the body of real things, events, and facts.
another (often cap) is a transcendent, fundamental or spiritual reality.
Reopened Mind
Thank you for your kind responses.
Journey-on: Yes, I did join back in June. I wrote the essay in April or May to post here. It has taken me a long time to muster up the courage to post it. I have been a long time lurker here. I see you joined in Feb 2007. That is about when I discovered JWD/JWN.
LV101: I was very gullible! I think being a JW all these years has made me even more gullible. But I am reopening my mind, my eyes, and my heart.